When you do business with Feil you’ll notice something is different. Sure, we’ve got an eye on our bottom line, but as a family-owned business we’ve got an eye on our legacy, too. We’re in it for the long run. That means we take our commitments seriously. We don’t blow smoke. Or push any hype. We give it to you straight. Every one of our relationships is built on trust and built to last.

A different
kind of relationship

The team
Some of us were born into this business, others took a little longer to get here, but all of us are passionate about real estate. We’re committed to providing the kind of space where our clients and communities can grow and thrive.
Jeffrey J. Feil
Brian Feil
Andrew S. Ratner
COO and President
Eric Lowenstein
What we do
Feil’s team of highly experienced real estate professionals have extensive experience across all facets of our business. Whether you need to redevelop a property, raise capital, or make your property run more efficiently day to day, we’ve got a deep bench of talent ready to jump right in. We would not have gotten here without them!
If you’re looking to optimize a property’s performance, we got you covered. Our hands-on administrative, financial and maintenance staff will manage the property day to day. Our sophisticated in-house IT system will streamline all of your accounting procedures, tenant reference inquiries, and inventory control processes. And thanks to the number of properties we manage, we can achieve economies of scale that can help you save money each step of the way.
With decades of experience behind us, we know how to create a tenant mix that ensures the best possible performance and profitability for all parties. So many of our properties are thriving with high traffic and high sales volumes due to the optimal mix of national, regional, and local tenants we’ve put in place.
We focus on long-term performance using all our resources to identify the full potential of each property; turn it into a solid profit maker; and maintain its value through expansions and upgrades. We do it often and do it well.
Sale - Leaseback
Part of our portfolio is made up of net leased property acquisitions. Put simply, a leaseback allows the owner of a property to sell it to us while continuing to occupy the property. The benefit is clear: You gain full use of your working capital, while continuing to operate with virtually the same autonomy as if you owned the property.
Much of our growth is due to an aggressive acquisition strategy that continues to serve us well. We invest in nearly every type of real estate, as long as it meets our primary criterion: long-term potential. After 70 years in real estate, you develop a good eye. We acquire only stable, income-producing properties that have value-added upside to bring to the table.
Our regions
Andrew Wienerawiener (at) feil (dot) com
Head of Commercial Office Leasing
Randall Briskinrbriskin (at) feil (dot) com
Vice President of Retail Leasing
Brian Palumbobpalumbo (at) feil (dot) com
Head of Legal Department
George Lorenzglorenz (at) feil (dot) com
Controller to NY Region
Thomas Ruggierotruggiero (at) feil (dot) com
Legal Counsel
Robert Fisherrfisher (at) feil (dot) com
Director of Commercial Leasing
Kevin Driscollkdriscoll (at) feil (dot) com
Director of Commercial Leasing
Timothy Parlantetparlante (at) feil (dot) com
Director of Commercial Leasing
Kyle Youngkyoung (at) feil (dot) com
Director of Commercial Leasing
Jordan Goldblumjgoldblum (at) feil (dot) com
Henry Korzechkorzec (at) feil (dot) com
Associate Director of Commercial Leasing
Barry ZimmermanBZimmerman (at) feil (dot) com
Property Management Commercial
Peter O’ConnorPOCONNOR (at) feil (dot) com
Property Management Commercial/Retail
David KunaDKuna (at) feil (dot) com
Property Management Commercial
Justin Kornveinjkornvein (at) feil (dot) com
Property Management Residential
Simon Bohbotsbohbot (at) feil (dot) com
Property Management Residential
Ted Abbottabbot (at) feil (dot) com
Property Management Commercial
Drew Arnolddarnold (at) feil (dot) com
Property Management Commercial/Retail
Jeff MongnoJMongno (at) feil (dot) com
Architect/Project Development
Vincent LucarelliVLucarelli (at) feil (dot) com
Architect/Project Development
Brian AltmanBAltman (at) feil (dot) com
Construction Management/Project Development
Raven Rothbergrrothberg (at) feil (dot) com
Residential Leasing
Bethany Chavesbchaves (at) feil (dot) com
Residential Leasing
Malvina Szczechmalvina (at) feil (dot) com
Residential Leasing
Meredith Cheekmcheek (at) feil (dot) com
Senior Associate
Steven Schilowitzsschilowitz (at) feil (dot) com
Tax Compliance Director
Darrell LongoDLongo (at) feil (dot) com
Colette Whartoncwharton (at) feil (dot) com
Regional Director / Asset Manager
Jody CastleJCastle (at) feil (dot) com
General Manager
Rita LavioletteRLaviolette (at) feil (dot) com
Property Manager
Katina SperaKSpera (at) feil (dot) com
Senior Property Manager
Connie DouglassCDouglass (at) feil (dot) com
Regional Real Estate Manager
Brittany FoyBFoy (at) feil (dot) com
Property Manager
Brian LadeBLade (at) feil (dot) com
Regional Asset Manager
Tricia Phillpotttphillpott (at) feil (dot) com
Regional Director of Retail Leasing
Lisa Manzellalmanzella (at) feil (dot) com
General Manager & Regional Director of Specialty Leasing
Erin Grahamerin (at) lakesideshopping (dot) com
Marketing Director
Amy Worralaworral (at) feil (dot) com
General Manager
Mercy BakerMBaker (at) feil (dot) com
Property Manager
Lena Torresltorres (at) feil (dot) com
Property Manager
Jennifer Siragusajsiragusa (at) feil (dot) com
General Manager
Ellen VillanovaEVillanova (at) feil (dot) com
Property Manager
Glenn LindholmGLindholm (at) feil (dot) com
General Manager
Jeanne Hellerjheller (at) feil (dot) com
Marketing Director, North Riverside Park Mall